
Antonino Sciortino

The path that Antonino Sciortino has followed is encapsulated by his output. He was born in Sicily and at just eight years old he learnt the art of blacksmithing in his brother’s workshop. Around the same time, he became a keen dancer and started taking lessons at a school in Palermo.
After a brilliant career as a dancer and choreographer, he opened a workshop in Milan in 2003. In his new artistic endeavours, he strives to fuse his two previous experiences by seeking out the ethereal lightness of dance in metalwork. Alongside his work as a craftsman/artist, he designs products for a number of Italian and international furniture companies.
Bearing witness to a journey through air and fire, his creations seem to change size and move whenever their positions and lighting conditions vary.

Antonino Sciortino was born in Palermo on 12/02/1962.
He now lives and works in Milan and Noto.