Vice Versa Table

The new life of the “bric­cole”  They were underwater and now they are under glass, another of the ma­te­ria­ls that remind us of the history of the Lagoon of Venice... Unchanged the me­mo­ry of the place where they performed their previous functio­n... They are pre­sent in all their in­di­vi­dua­l beauty, showing off their outer and their inner cha­rac­te­r. Sea-life no longer covers their sur­face but its traces remain. The inside of the “briccola”, oak wood, still hidden, is strong and hard as ever. In my project it remains the load-bearing element of the small tables VICE and VERSA.



47.3" W x 47.3" D x 29.5" H 
35.4" W x 35.4" D x 21.6" H 
47.3" W x 47.3" D x 29.5" H 

Mondo Vice Versa Table Specs